Friday, March 3, 2017

Fake News Friday: Crow Morality

As long as we are discussing road kill....

The University of Massachusetts documented a stunning rise in crow mortality.

After screening for West Nile virus and other pathogens, it was determined that the dead crows were all road-kill.

This was extremely puzzling because crows are highly intelligent birds.  Even though much of their diet is other road-killed carrion, crows are able to avoid being mowed down by virtue of posting "sentry" birds to alert the feeders to oncoming traffic.

Further study indicated that the vast majority of the dead crows, something like +95% of them had been struck by trucks.  This is far more than the percentage of trucks in the rolling fleet.  Something about trucks made them incredibly more lethal to crows than ordinary passenger vehicles.

After much study the breakthrough was found by a city boy from Boston.


He noticed that every sentry crow was was capable of saying "Caa."  "Caa."

But none of them were capable of enunciating "Truck."  "Truck."

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