Friday, June 14, 2013

Chipping wood

Chipping Wood

It has been raining in Eaton Rapids, raining a lot.  We picked up another 2.5 inches Wednesday night and that brought the water table right up to the surface.  Based on the water level in some holes where I dug trees, the water is draining about 3/8" (10mm) an hour.  It will be at least three dry days before I can get on the garden with the roto-tiller.

I had made arrangements with Max to come over and chip the hybrid poplar that I cut a couple of days ago.  I humped the brush out to him and he stuffed it.  Max is a great young man.  He is a hard worker and careful around money.  He invested in a chipper.  As you can see from the pile of chips, he gets a lot done.  He is also very pleasant to be around.  I tried to get one of my daughter's friends to take him a glass of lemonade but I think she was too shy.

As always, the pictures can be expanded by clicking on them.

The assembly line

Ahoy there matey, I sees a whale to harpoon

Max is holding the branch back so it does not get sucked in too quickly and stall the chipper.
When I asked him how I could pay him, he asked for something in 75 grain V-Max.  Some of you will know what that means.

PT Update:

Road work       Push-ups        Sit-ups

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